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Almost four hundred students graduated the school since 1996. Every year the school has about four hundred students divided in groups according to different musical education programs: primary (grades 1-3), secondary (grades 4-7), long-term purposeful (grades 8-11) or professional development (grades 9-12).
In the school all the creative life is turning around choirs. Choir is the main thing for all of the students. According to a long time teacher, first headmaster deputy in educational affairs, Lina Jukonienė: „choir department is the spine of the school and all the activities in the school turn around it“.
Choirs are regular participants of Lithuanian Song Celebrations, various concert programs and projects.
Vilniaus chorinio dainavimo mokykla Liepaitės,
P.Skorinos g. 14, Vilnius, LT- 03103 , Tel.: +370 5 215 15 68 .
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