School Year 2016-2017

Last Updated on 07 August 2017 Hits: 1313
2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente     The opening of the school 2016-2017 academic year celebration       On the 31th of August, 2016, our school celebrated new academic year opening in Main Hall of Faculty of Nature Science, in Vilnius University. Photos...

    1  Exhibition "Remembering Summer"

Drawing exhibition of 2nd grade girls "Remembering Summer" is hold all October on a first floor of school.

antras      Concert "Musical Conversations"

On the 26th of October, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' concert "Musical Conversations" took place in the school's Chamber Hall.

IMG 7594     Concert "Musica Decora"

On the 27th of October, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" Girls choir concert "Musica Decora" with Netherlands chamber women choir "Cantate". Concert took place at the Lithuanian Art Museum.


      Concert "Musical Conversations"

On the 28th of October, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' concert "Musical Conversations" took place in the school's Chamber Hall.
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      Concert "Stories Of Mozart"

On the 23 of November, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' concert "Stories Of Mozart" to celebrate W. A. Mozart's 260th birth anniversary. Concert took place in school's Chamber Hall.
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      Concert "New Buds For Linden Homeland"

On the 24th of November, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" 1st grade students' concert "New Buds For Linden Homeland" took place at Vilnius Progymnasium of J. Basanavičius.

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      Evening of Arts

On the 25th of November, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' evening of arts. Girls showed their paintings, read their own poetry, sang and played.

2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente

      Concert "Christmas Holidays Will Come Soon"

On the 3rd of December, 2016,Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' concert "Christmas Holidays Will Come Soon" took place at The Church of St. Johns. Participants: 3rd grade choir, Juniors (conductor Edita Jaraminienė) and Junior (conductor Audronė Steponavičiūtė Zupkauskienė) choir, ensemble of flutes and violins.

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      Concert "Christmas Carols"

On the 17th of December, 2016, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' concert "Christmas Carols" took place in Vilnius Congress Hall.


      Concert "Elated by The Fire of Liberty"

On the 13th of January, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" 2nd grade choir (conductor Jurgita Dirgėlaitė) took place at the concert "Elated by The Fire of Liberty". Concert conductor Audronė Steponavičiūtė-Zupkauskienė.


      Exhibition of Paulina Rybakaitė drawings

Exhibition of our school student Paulina Rybakaitė is held at the first floor of school.

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      Contemporary music opus for children "The Riddle of the Unicorn"

On 22nd of January, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" Juniors choir, conductor Edita Jaraminienė and pianist Eglė Kasteckaitė participated in contemporary music opus for children "The Riddle of the Unicorn". Event took place at Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society.

2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente

      Concert "Musical Gift For Parents"

On 23rd of January, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" Juniors choir concert "Musical Gift For Parents" took place at Vilnius Progymnasium of J. Basanavičius.

 2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente

       Concert "North Bloom"

On The 8th of February, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" teacher Ieva Miškinienė students concert "North Bloom". Concert will take place in school's Chamber Hall.

2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente

       Concert "Et in terra pax"

On The 11th of February, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" Girls Choir concert "Et in terra pax". They'll perform at Museum of Applied Arts and Design (Arsenalo st. 3A), concert will start at 1 AM. Photos.
2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente

       Concert "I'am Singing Lithuania as Joy"

On The 14th of February, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students concert "I'm Singing Lithuania as Joy". Concert will take place at Vilnius Children and Youth Boarding School.
2016 2017 Mokslo metu atidarymo svente

       Concert "I'am Singing You a Song"

On The 22th of February, 2017, Kids choirs concert "I'm Singing You a Song". Concert will take place at Vilnius Progymnasium of J. Basanavičius.

       Concert "Love is a Rain of Diamonds"

On The 5th of March, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" Girls choir and Lithuanian chamber orkectra concert „Love is a Rain of Diamonds“. Concert took place at Lithuanian National Philharmonic Society.
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       Concert "Restoration of Independence of Lithuania"

On The 9th of March, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" First grade choir participated in celebration concert, dedicated to the Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania. Photos.

       Concert "Restoration of Independence of Lithuania"

On The 9th of March, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" Girls choir participated in celebration concert, dedicated to the Day of Restoration of Independence of Lithuania (in Education Development Center).
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       Competition "Music history and solfeggio"

On The 16th of March, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" 7th grade girls participated in music history and solfeggio competition. Photos.
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       Concert of Girls choir at Leipzig book fair

On The 19th - 23rd of March, 2017, Girls choir will be in Leipzig and will perform in St. Nicholas church. This concert dedicated to Leipzig book fair were Lithuania this year is a guest of honor. Photos.
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       23rd Vilnius Juniors Choir Festival "Vilnius Skylarks"

On The 25th of March, 2017, Our school will celebrate 23rd Vilnius Juniors Choir Festival „Vilnius Skylarks"! Photos.
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       Junior choir concert at Church Heritage museum

On The 1st of April, 2017, Our school Junior choir koncert will take place at Church Heritage museum.
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       Concert "Musical Conversations"

On 29th and 30th of March, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" students' concert "Musical Conversations" will take place at the school's Chamber Hall.
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       Concert of Instrumentalists

On the 31st of March, 2017, Vilnius choir singing school „Liepaitės“ instrumentalists concert will take place at the school's Chamber Hall.
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       Exhibition of Vėjunė Strazdaitė drawings

Exhibition of our school student Vėjunė Strazdaitė is held at the first floor of school.
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       Concert "In the Circle of Family"

On the 5th of April, 2017, Traditional concert „In the Circle of Family“ at schools Chamber hall. Photos.
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       Concert "Musical conversations"

On the 7th of April, 2017, Traditional concert "Musical conversations“ at schools Chamber hall.
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       Concert "We welcome spring"

On the 8th of April, 2017, 3rd class choir concert „We welcome spring“ at Merkinė cultural center. Photos.
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       Festival "Liepaitės Friends in Vilnius"

International children and junior choirs festival "Liepaitės Friends in Vilnius". Opening concert photos. Lithuanian Girls Choir concert photos. Festival closing concert photos.

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       Concert "Musical conversations"

On the 21st of April, 2017, Traditional concert "Musical conversations“ at schools Chamber hall.
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       Concert for Mother's Day Part 1

On the 2nd of May, 2017, concert for Mother's Day at Saint Kotryna church. Photos.
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       Concert for Mother's Day Part 2

On the 3rd of May, 2017, concert for Mother's Day at Saint Kotryna church. Photos.
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       Concert for poet Juozas Erlickas

On the 8th of May, 2017, concert for poet Juozas Erlickas at City Hall.
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       Childrens concert at kindergarten "Geniukų kalvė"

On the 12th of May, 2017, little instrumentalists concert at kindergarten "Geniukų kalvė".
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       2nd grade choir concert

On the 19th of May, 2017, 2nd grade chour concert for parrents at Vilnius Progymnasium of J. Basanavičius.
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       Guitar concert

On the 22nd of May, 2017, guitar teacher's Chris Ruebens students concert.
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       Violin concert

On the 23rd of May, 2017, violin teacher's Elvyra Vadoklienė students concert.
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       Children's Choir farewell banquet-concert

On the 23rd of May, 2017, Children's Choir farewell banquet-concert at school's Chamber Hall.
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       3rd grade choir farewell banquet-concert

On the 23rd of May, 2017, 3rd grade choir farewell banquet-concert at Vilnius Teachers Home's Salon.
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       Piano and violin students concert

On the 24th of May, 2017, piano and violin students concert at school's Chamber Hall.
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       Piano and vocal student's concert

On the 25th of May, 2017, piano and singing students, who are laureates at the International and Republican contest, concert. Photos.
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       Flute concert

On the 26th of May, 2017, , flute teacher's Ligita Liaudanskaitė students concert dedicated for 30 year anniversary of flutist's at the school. Photos.