School year 2014-2015

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   Liepaičių vasara 2015Project „Summer of „Liepaitės“ 2015“ 

    On the 10-16th of August „Liepaitės“ students spent a wonderful time in Project „Summer of „Liepaitės“ 2015“, which took place in Guobstas campside. Photos...  


Vengrija 2015 Icon   Budapest Music Festival 2015

    On the 3-4th of July, „Liepaitės“ school Junior choir (conductor Audronė Steponavičiūtė Zupkauskienė) participated in  „Budapest Music Festival 2015“. Photos... 

    Muzikiniai pašnekesiai 2015 Concert " A musical conversation" 

     On the 27th of March, at 6:30 p.m. at our school 's Chamber hall school students ' concert " A musical conversation" will take place.

Vilniaus Viverseliai 2015    Junior Choir Festival

    On the 21th of March, the 21th Junior Choir Festival took place in Vilnius University Great Hall (Čiurlionio g. 21). Photos...

koncertas 2015 03 12    Second class choir  concert "I am singing a song for Lithuania"

    On the 12th of March, on a cozy Thursday evening, second class choir with its leader Diana Mickeviciūtė, invited to a warm concert "I am singing a song for Lithuania" in our school's Chamber Hall. Girls not only sang, but also played a variety of instruments. Photos...


    Solfeggio and music history contest “Music’s labyrinths”
    Our school’s teacher Renata Lastauskaitė-Vengriene organised solfeggio and music history contest “Music’s labyrinths”, which took place on the 12th of March 12 in our school’s Chamber Hall. Participants were the 7th grade schoolgirls: Agnietė and Jorigė Mazūraitės, Rugilė Railaitė, Odeta Paslaitytė, Augustė Raguotytė, Vaiva Gylytė, Monika Būtėnaitė, Aistė Gargasaitė, Irūna Dingelytė, Ugnė Šebekaitė, Emilija Stonytė, Evelina Volovskova, Ieva Samardokaitė, Emilija Palivonaitė, Solveiga Mašonytė and Ūla Gudaitytė. Girls were divided into four teams of four members. Participants had to show their solfeggio and music history knowledge, create and perform.
   The winners were the first team - congratulations to Agnietė and Jorigė Mazūraitės, Rugilė Railaitė and Odeta Paslaitytė.  

    Holiday concert in the Cathedral square  kovo 11

    On the 11th of March, at 9 p.m. at Cathedral Square, a concert, dedicated to the Day of Restoration of Lithuanian Independence, will be held. It will feature the most beautiful 25-year-old Lithuanian songs, which will be performed by Lithuanian performers along with choirs "Liepaitės" and "Ąžuoliukas". Come and join the voices of the girls! And if you have other plans - Lithuanian National Television will broadcast this concert live, starting at 9 p.m.

Lietuvai    Concert at the National Gallery of art on the square

    On the 6th of March, Junior choir (conductor Audronė Steponavičiūtė Zupkauskienė) participated in the concert of initiative "Lithuania and Me", in the square of National Gallery of Art. The event was opened by the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė.

150228 7590kt    Dainius Trinkūnas Chamber Music Festival
    On the 28th of February, the 4th Dainius Trinkūnas Chamber Music Festival took place in our school's Chamber hall. This festival brings together a broad circle of young musicians and their teachers. We enjoyed beautiful performances of the festival's participants and winners, who were awarded by a respectable commission – Prof. Petras Kunca, teachers Gintarė Skerytė, Birutė Bagdonienė and Eglė Perkumaitė-Vikšraitienė.        Five ensembles from our school were nominated in different categories. With a prize of "Best ensemble of the festival" was nominated our school's ensemble - Milda Mačiulaitytė (vocal), Austė Urbanavičiūtė (piano) and Jokūbas Taločka (flute and guitar (from Karoliniškės music school)).
   We congratulate all the participants of the festival as well as their teachers, and hope to meet again in the next festival! Photos...

Paroda m    The opening of the exhibition My Lithuania

    We are proud of our schoolgirls, who are talented not only in music, but also in art! On the 25th of February, 2015, the exhibition of 2nd-3rd grade schoolgirls' drawings was opened. The exhibition "My Lithuania" is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Restoration of Independence of Lithuania. Photos...



    Young virtuoso

     Congratulations to our students Odeta Paslaitytė and Augustė Butkutė for successful performances in the 3rd Lithuanian music and art contest „Young virtuoso“! Girls‘ teacher is Sigita Dūdėnienė. 


2015 02 16 m     Teacher-expert and a cherisher of choir singing traditions Audronė Steponavičiūtė Zupkauskienė winning the order of merit to Lithuania Medal

     Congratulations to the conductor of female choir "Liepos" of Vilnius Culture Center and the conductor of Junior choir of Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės", teacher-expert and a cherisher of choir singing traditions Audronė Steponavičiūtė Zupkauskienė for winning the Order of merit to Lithuania on the occasion of Independence Day on the 16th of February.


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   Concert of 2nd grade choir in the kinder garden “Giraitė”

   On the 11th of February, our school’s teacher Margarita Bereščanskaja initiated a concert of 2nd grade choir in the kinder garden “Giraitė”. Concert was named “I dedicate my song to my Homeland”. The choir performed five Lithuanian pieces. There was some instrumental pieces too. The concert was concluded with a vivacious composer L. Vilkončius’ work “Magpie's wedding”. It was very nice to sing in the kinder garden “Giraitė”! Photos...

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    Concert of graduates of "Liepaitės" music school

    30th of January, 2015 Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" had a concert, dedicated to graduates of our school, where they performed musical peaces, visited the school and remembered the days, spent here. It was a cozy evening with warm memories, hugs and nostalgia for the old days. We hope that this concert will become a tradition, inviting all graduates of "Liepaitės" to spend a little time with their teachers and the community of "Liepaitės". Photos...

liepaites-sausio 13-kotryna

    Concert „For the Freedom“ 

    13th of January, 2015 The concert "For the Freedom" was held in St. Catherine's Church. In this event you could hear voices of  female choir "Liepos" of Vilnius Culture Center and Junior choir of Vilnius choir singing school "Liepaitės" (artistic director and conductor Audronė Steponavičiūtė Zupkauskienė), performing with St. Christopher Chamber Orchestra of Vilnius City Municipality (artistic director and conductor Donatas Katkus).   Photos...


Rugsjis2013m     The opening of the school 2013-14 academic year celebration

     On the 2nd of September Vilnius choir singing school „Liepaitės“ had a school year opening celebration. In this event audience listened to first prize of international choir competition in Cantonigròs (Spain) winner Junior choir (conductor A. Steponavičiūtė-Zupkauskienė, concertmistress S. Dūdėnienė) and project „Liepaitės summer 2013“ choir (teachers J.Vaitkevičienė, E. Jaraminienė and N. Timofejeva, concertmaster - P. Jaraminas). Photos...